A review by alongreader
Zoe Rosenthal Is Not Lawful Good by Nancy Werlin


I look longingly at cons. They're a very rare thing in Ireland anyway, and with things the way they are I don't think I'll want to be in a room with hundreds of other people for a while. So it's a good thing there are books like this one to fill the gap.

Zoe is a recently converted fan of the streaming show Bleeders, a mostly female run and acted show. She's decided to indulge herself, for just one night, at a con, her first ever. One night will definitely be enough to get it out of her system - even if the people she meets are so friendly and welcoming, and the costumes so amazing, and there's another con a few months later. This is the one and only time she's going to lie to her boyfriend like this. Definitely...

This novel is a love story to cons and to the fans who attend. I had as much fun as Zoe identifying the different fandoms and groups, and learning about the differences between different cons and different groups. Zoe's friends are a great group; I want one just like them, please.

Because we only ever saw Simon in Zoe's description - the guy wasn't even in the novel until the very end - it's hard to know if he would have understood if she'd told him, or not. It's hard to get a grip on a character you don't actually meet, but I do think Zoe made the right decision at the end.

I loved this. It's just a lovely, light hearted, enjoyable read. Fantastic.