A review by tiffanypreads
Sharkbait by Erin Mallon


This audiobook was so great! I knew going in that it would be a cute rom-com, but I didn't expect it to exceed my expectations. Of all the books I've read and listened to this year, this one has THE most unique, nerdy, quirky characters of all. And I LOVED it.

The duel style narration with Erin Mallon and Teddy Hamilton was fantastic. There were times I was laughing out loud, and times I was tearing up. They are so talented as voice actors, and I'll pretty much listen to anything they do.

One of the more unique aspects to the story was that in this Grumpy/Sunshine trope, Louise is more of the grump. She has a one night stand with James and then tells him to never acknowledge her again if they run into each other. She is socially awkward, gets flustered around people she's trying to impress, has LOTS of family trauma with an absent father and a manipulating mother. She doesn't know how to handle her emotions.

James, on the other hand, feels everything very deeply and he's very expressive, confident, yet still has flaws. He is a total cinnamon roll, sweet guy who is a alcoholic who has been sober for 8 years and has a daughter.

James and Louise begin a very slow burn friendship and I loved watching that friendship turn into more. Their friends are also so interesting to learn about (and makes me want to go back and hear the first two books in this series).

So if you are in the mood for a different kind of rom-com, this is the one! 4.5 stars/2 spicy peppers