A review by threadpanda
Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough


Requested this book from the library on a whim, and was pleasantly surprised! Tamsin is a a seventeen-year-old "would-be" witch in a family of witches. When she was born, her grandmother decreed she would be one of the most powerful witches of the family; upon her 8th birthday, by which point one's Talents generally manifest, there's no proof that Tamsin has any Talent whatsoever.

As can be expected, a mysterious stranger comes to town and requests Tamsin's help with a problem, thinking that she is her sister Rowena. At the same time, Tamsin's reunited with Gabriel, a childhood friend who has just moved back to the "enclave" with his mother. Together, Tamsin and Gabriel have to save the day and all of that (trying to avoid spoilers and stuff).

I read this in a few hours--the plot fast-paced but not lacking, and the ending was just enough of a cliffhanger to make me eager for the next part. Of course, for whatever reason my library doesn't have the second book, [b:Always a Witch|8572704|Always a Witch (Witch, #2)|Carolyn MacCullough|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1286694645s/8572704.jpg|13441494], in it's Overdrive collection or physical book collection, so I've had to recommend that they buy it so I can see how this ends!