A review by lauralynnwalsh
Rite of Passage by Alexei Panshin


This book has most of the things I really enjoy in a book - good story, interesting characters, and things that keep me thinking afterwards. While ship society isn't as richly imagined as I might have hoped, the build up to the Trial, the Trial itself, and the aftermath are carefully orchestrated to leave the reader with much to ponder and discuss. I would love to read this book with a group of adolescents.

It is interesting to me that, in the final debate about the fate of Tintera, NO ONE mentioned the fate of the Losels. I am presuming that anything done to destroy the human inhabitants of Tintera would also destroy any other living being on the planet. I don't see how they could wipe out thousands or millions of humans without also wiping out other living things, including the possibly sentient Losels.

This book is one reason why I enjoy science fiction - it takes an aspect of our society, distorts it in some way, and explores the consequences and therefore the implications of it. It doesn't quite rank up there with Ender's Game for me, but I really enjoyed it.