A review by maureensbooks89
A Cowboy Kind of Love by Donna Grant


I have been reading the Heart of Texas series for a while now. So when I received an email about reading ‘A Cowboy Kind of Love’, the sixth book in the series, I just couldn’t say no.

In ‘A Cowboy Kind of Love’ we read the story of Jace Wilder, a character I have been curious about since reading about him in the previous books. Jace has been trying to make something of his life ever since the woman he loved just left him without an explanation five years ago. Some days he is doing well, and other days he just can’t deal and tries to drown his sorrows in booze. But then Taryn unexpectedly returns to town and even after all these years there is a lot of chemistry between them.

When Taryn first came back into Jace his life, he was understandable upset. But he seemed to forgive Taryn rather quickly. They haven’t been together in five years, but they sure seem to get back right to where things ended. Yes, Taryn is in danger, but I really didn’t expect Jace to forgive Taryn so fast. And even Jace’s friends seem to accept that Taryn is back without much thought. I really didn’t get that and because of it I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I’d hoped.

But still, this book was enjoyable and it read easily. The suspense part was fun, and although I felt like this part could have been a little longer as well.. It got me curious how things would end. And the suspense part made several of the previous main characters reappear. So that was definitely fun.

Characters wise I really liked Jace. He really had something about him that made me like him from the start. He is just so good for Taryn. Maybe even too good! But I loved reading about him and how he took care of Taryn. Taryn’s character on the other hand wasn’t someone I could really connect with. I just didn’t really get her.

Overall ‘A Cowboy Kind of Love’ was a fun read. Why there is the word ‘Cowboy’ in the title beats me though. I don’t really recall reading about any Cowboy stuff in this book.