A review by leahkarge
Ecstasy Unveiled by Larissa Ione


Dear Lore,

If I didn't love Annie so much, I would definitely steal you from her and hide you away somewhere she would never find you. Alas, my love for her stops me from abducting you. I know you are upset about this. Try not to be too crushed by this loss.

Besides, I don't think I could handle Shade's jealousy anyway.

Hugs Not Drugs,

This book has been the most emotional one for me thus far in the Demonica series. Ecstasy Unveiled has pulled my emotions all over the place with all the emotional ups and downs, what I like to call The Emotional Rollercoaster. As a result of the emotional turmoil I suffered while reading this book, it is, ironically, my favorite of the series.

At this point, Lore and Idess are my favorite couple of the Demonica series. Shade is still my favorite of the Sems, with Lore at a very close second, but these two are my favorite couple. I loved the banter between them, the relationship they developed, the sacrifices they made for each other, and I just all-around loved them. Lore, I already liked from Passion Unleashed, despite the fact that he was trying to move in on Gem and wanted Kynan dead. I would be lying if I said I wasn't pissed at him in the beginning of Ecstasy Unveiled when he went after my Ky but I have since gotten over that. Obviously. There is so much more to him than meets the eye and I loved seeing his vulnerable side alongside his fierce side. And I loved that only Idess seemed to be able to calm the rages he would go into. Now Idess, she's definitely the best heroine of the series so far. I loved her right away and she was surprisingly awesome for an angel. And I loved that. A lot of times when you read about angels, they are the insane do-gooder types who do no wrong and refuse to admit they feel lust, but I loved that Idess was sassy, sexy, confident, and did or said whatever she wanted. And when you put these two fantasmic characters together? Well, there isn't words. Suffice it to say that they rocked.

As always, I loved seeing Shade, Wraith, Eidolon, their mates, and the adorable babies. However, I hated what was happening to them because of that bastard Roag and the fucker Rariel. Thank goodness everything is fixed with them and they finally accepted Lore into their family. Oh, and of course I adored seeing my Kynan, even if I did want to strangle him, and Shade, a couple of times. Naturally, I hope to see all of them in the next book, Sin Undone.

Thank fuck Roag and Rariel are destroyed. Hell, add Detharu to that list too. I wish I could have killed them myself for everything they did to Lore, Idess, the Sem brothers, the Sem mates, and the babies. What kind of sick fuck messes with poor, innocent babies? Thank goodness poor Rade wasn't killed.

I liked the introduction of Sin in this book. I'll admit, I didn't care for her too much in the beginning, but I really do like her now and I can't wait to read her book. Also, I loved the intro to her relationship with Conall. Now that he has to hunt her down, it should be interesting to see how their relationship develops in Sin Undone.

Like I've said, this was a fantastic book and I'm glad I read it. On to Sin Undone! I'm sad, though, to see the series coming to an end.

Oh! And, hey, Annie, maybe we can work out some kind of visitation schedule for me to see Lore? Think about it and get back to me.