A review by sparksinwords
Mahimata by Rati Mehrotra


Thank you Harper Voyager for sending me an advance review copy, which I won from a Goodreads giveaway.

While I found Markswoman, the first book in this duology, to be reeeaally slow, Mahimata thankfully moves at a MUCH faster pace. This duology is set in post-apocalyptic Asia and I really loved the world-building. The desert, the Ferghana Valley, and the mountains are described wonderfully. Kyra and Rustan are very compelling characters, and I particularly enjoyed Rustan's character arc. At times, it felt a little unbelievable that the fate of Asiana rested so heavily on Kyra's shoulders, but I was willing to suspend my disbelief.

The ideas in this book were fascinating - the Transport Hubs, the Ones, the wyr-wolves - and while there were some answers, I finished this book wishing there had been more. I read in an interview with the author that this was originally proposed as a trilogy, and that's probably why. In any case, I loved the setting and that it was inspired by Indian mythology and recommend giving this duology a chance!