A review by featherbooks
Sea Monsters by Chloe Aridjis


Another one of those dreamy books with considerable navel-gazing that keeps my interest but I'm not sure why. The narrator is seventeen and runs away from home and family with a mysterious, unresponsive man to Zipolite, a Oaxacan beach town with cosmic properties in search of a missing circus troupe of Ukranian dwarfs. Abandoning her companion for the most part, she takes up with a mysterious, unresponsive merman whom she meets nightly for drinks and one-sided conversations. I think of books by Olivia Laing or Deborah Levy in [b:Hot Milk|26883528|Hot Milk|Deborah Levy|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1461535043l/26883528._SY75_.jpg|46932640] or Laura van den Berg [b:The Third Hotel|36348514|The Third Hotel|Laura van den Berg|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1512550273l/36348514._SY75_.jpg|58029865]which I've read recently and wonder why I'm drawn to the Great Ennui of these writers.