A review by moonofpages_
The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon


3,75/5 stars

This book was a very cute and quick read, I really liked the short chapters from different perspectives.
I especially liked the chapters from the people around Daniel en Natasha (Irene, Mr. Fitzgerald...)
It was a nice way to include something extra in this book.
The story of Daniel and Natasha was very cute and unique, it's extraordinary to have such a strong bond within 24 hours. But that's also kind of the reason why this didn't get a 4,5/5 star rating.
It's kind of insta-love, and I get that it's the purpose of this book, but I sometimes just couldn't understand how Daniel could have been so crazy about Natasha after only seeing her for one hour.
But besides that, I really enjoyed the story and sometimes I had to stop myself from crying.

This was a very nice read and I would definitely recommend this.
I'm curious to read something more by Nicola Yoon