A review by krisrid
Deadly Rising: A Booke of the Hidden Novel by Jeri Westerson


I am REALLY loving this series! Book 2 was even more exciting, dangerous and action-packed than the first book.

There is so much I like about this series it's hard to know quite where to start.

First off, I love that all the characters are complicated. Nobody in this series is easily categorized. Everyone has good and not-so-good in them, and everyone makes good and not-so-good choices. The reader is never quite sure which way someone is going to go, and whether you're going to be happy about what they do or not. But almost everyone in this series is likable and relatable, so even when a character does something less than laudable, you still want to root for them, because you know that in their heart of hearts, they mean well and are doing the best they can in a really messed up situation. That kind of complexity always draws me in and keeps me reading!

The story is off-the-charts clever and interesting and thrilling, with danger and unexpected challenges around every corner for Kylie and her motley band of friends. We get some new people in this book - as always, unexpected people joining the Scooby-gang - but the group somehow WORKS together, even though the combination probably shouldn't. It's really fun to watch people who don't always like one another still manage to work together to battle a bigger bad than anyone in the group around Kylie. The conflicts make the story that much more interesting and exciting.

I gave this four stars instead of five only because we are left literally hanging off the edge of a cliff by our fingernails at the end and it's always really hard to know you'll have to wait months to find out what happens next. But this series is so great that I have no doubt it will be worth the wait.

This has quickly become a favourite paranormal series, and I can't wait to go on the next chapter of Kylie's quest with her. Highly recommend this series to anyone who likes paranormal suspense with kick-ass female characters, lots of monsters, and a fast-paced, well-plotted story.