A review by ramseyhootman
In Conquest Born by C.S. Friedman


This is one of those books I've passed over on bookstore shelves for years. Finally downloaded a sample and was hooked. In a purely literary sense, it's pretty rough. But that didn't matter. It was clever, it was interesting, it was epic in every sense of the word, and it had me turning pages all the way to the end. Which is all that really matters. I'm a sucker for alien culture stories of any kind.

My one criticism is that the end is rather abrupt and, honestly, did not feel emotionally satisfying to me. I think because most of the book spent so much time playing up extremes - everything was the MOST sensual or frightening or [whatever] that [whoever] had ever experienced, so there was nowhere further for the climax to go, if that makes any sense. I didn't feel like the emotional resolution really worked for the characters, either. A "bad" ending will usually sour a book for me, but in this case I'm going to call it a minor quibble. Because so many of the chapters are almost self-contained stories, I was satisfied on many counts on many occasions, and the ending was more of a minor disappointment.

Also, I do have to comment on the edition I was reading - I downloaded the 15th anniversary edition on my Kindle. And the thing is ridiculously riddled with typos. "To" instead of "too," actually incorrect words like "fly" instead of "try," and a ton of misplaced commas and other miscellaneous punctuation. There was even one paragraph that had been split by a break right in the middle. It felt like someone had manually re-typed the entire thing and not gone back to proofread. Yeesh.