A review by escapelifeinthepages
Brave Enough by Kati Gardner


*Disclaimer- I received a copy from Netgalley in an exchange for an honest review

Wow. Can we talk about this cover? Absolutely gorgeous. It was one of the reasons I decided to request this book. Well, that and the synopsis sounded pretty good! I love the white color and the water colors! It's gorgeous.

I was a little bit shocked when I found out what the story was really about it. The book involves two different heavy topics. Although I appreciated reading about Cason and Davis's stories, I found it hard to deal with two different heavy topics in one book. For me personally, it was a little hard to read about Cason's life then switch over to Davis and his addiction and overcoming it. However, I did like how Kati intertwined their stories and showed the readers that the characters each come from very different backgrounds but yet the same. (I'd explain that better but I don't want to spoil the book because it's not mentioned in the synopsis).

The beginning of that book had me hooked. I wasn't a fan of the immediate flirting between Cason and Davis. It felt a little instalovey for me. I wanted to learn about their own story and their own background. I found it hard to connect with the characters because the chapters were pretty short. I wanted the relationship between Cason and Davis to develop a little bit better because the book mentioned that the characters didn't talk to each other prior to meeting.

I found myself rooting for the characters. I wanted to see them succeed. I wanted them to be happy, be brave, be a survivor of their own demons. Cason's mom mad me extremely angry in the beginning of the book but as the story went on, I found myself having a soft spot for her.

I thought the writing was simple and easy to read. The pacing was really well. Personally, I didn't find myself getting bored at all while reading. I think my only critic was that Davis said how much he wanted to use a lot. It almost felt like the word because really repetitive.

Overall, I thought this was a really great read. The theme I took from the book was that even if something unexpected happens in life or we're dealt the wrong cards, we still have the ability to overcome it. We just have to set our minds to it. It was pretty empowering to read. I really recommend this book! Not just for the cover, but for the themes in the story as well!