A review by pleasureinatrocities
Queen of the Magnetland by Cassandra Gannon


3.5! I think this one is my favorite of the series so far! I wasn't looking forward to reading this one because Chason has been a selfish asshole this entire series but I was pleasantly surprised! The dissonance in the beginning too when we hear Mara's thoughts as she's dying from the Fall and thinking that it's lucky that Chason doesn't love her that much so he'll be perfectly fine after she dies! I usually don't usually like the second chance trope and I didn't even know this book was going to utilize that trope but I ended up really liking them!

Summary: Chason is practically insane at this point and looking for Mara's stolen corpse only to discover that Mara was actually in stasis this entire time. Chason doesn't believe it can really be Mara, Mara wants to stop pretending to be perfect like before the Fall and have a real relationship with Chason and Chason no longer gives any fucks and a stronger love ensues.