A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
A Blossom of Bright Light by Suzanne Chazin


A Blossom of Bright Light by Suzanne Chazin is the second book in A Jimmy Vega Novel series. It takes place in October in New York City. Detective Jimmy Vega needs to find out who left a little baby out in the cold to die behind the community center (La Casa) started by Adele Figueroa (and Jimmy’s girlfriend). Then they find the mother of the baby, and she is wearing a jacket of Jimmy's daughter, Joy (a college student who lives with her mother). Jimmy sets out to clear his daughter and find out who harmed this young woman and her baby. Adele is offered a great opportunity. She has the chance to work with County Supervisor Steve Shulman who is about to be elected to the Senate. It would mean uprooting her daughter, leaving behind her community center and Jimmy. It is a difficult decision for Adele and she has yet to mention it to Jimmy. Jimmy’s investigation leads him down an unexpected path. Jimmy needs to make sure that all his ducks are in a row and that he has substantial proof if he wishes to arrest the culprit (and get justice for the young mother and her baby).

I am afraid that I did not enjoy reading A Blossom of Bright Light. It just seemed to go on and on (I did not think I would ever get to the end). The mystery was child’s play to solve (which was so disappointing). I really tried to enjoy this novel, but I just could not get into it. I give A Blossom of Bright Light 2.75 out of 5 stars.

I received a complimentary copy of A Blossom of Bright Light from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Avid Reader: http://bibliophileandavidreader.blogspot.com/2015/11/a-blossom-of-bright-light.html