A review by holtfan
Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken


3.5 stars...I am left with too many unanswered questions but it was so good!
An absorbing read that balances fantasy, mythology, and power play with wizards and magic and heroines-with-untapped-potential.
Truly a must-read for [a:Diana Wynne Jones|4260|Diana Wynne Jones|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1193516584p2/4260.jpg] lovers.

Sydelle Mirabil's village has been in a drought for 10 years. When a wizard, Wayland North, comes bringing rain, the grateful villagers offer him anything he might want. He chooses Sydelle. Naturally, Sydelle resents being dragged away from her family and friends as little more than a slave. However, North has an important message that might save the country from going to war, if only they reach the capital city in time.

Very likable characters and a plot setting. I liked the myths of sister-goddesses and the start of wizards, but would have preferred more information and action from them, something like [b:The Thief|448873|The Thief (The Queen's Thief, #1)|Megan Whalen Turner|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1427740839s/448873.jpg|1069505]. The plot had a good antagonist and a lot at stake. Characters had multiple sides with good questions about power and good and evil.
The romance was adorable.
Lots of good side characters.
In some ways, this could have been a perfect fantasy story (I mean, come on, the main character is a red head. Doesn't get better than that!) but I felt it didn't quite reach its full possibility.
Spoiler It almost seems to set up for a sequel but there isn't one...and there are too many plot elements left open for my imagination! Is North ever healed? Is her family happy to have her back? What happened to the evil wizard dude? Where were the hedge witches throughout this all? Why does she look like the goddesses? What was the prophecy precisely and why are all mentions of god/goddesses basically ignored outside of her village? Are jinxes really that common and if making bracelets to contain their power is really that easy, why kill them? Why did the cloak she weaved work for North, doesn't the talisman have to come from the master? Can she really control her powers, or just hold her emotions in check long enough to release them later? I thought Sydelle might have a bigger identity role as well. Like she really was the goddess or a lost princess or at least the descendant of the evil hedge witch. And then I expected her to become friends with the new Queen or help usher in a new age or something. Not go wandering about. The story could have been wound up more tightly

I love that Sydelle is a weaver. It gave her an awesome talent and spark to her character.

Overall, a good read!