A review by michalice
Parallel Visions: A Teen Psychic Novel by Cheryl Rainfield


Full review and videos at my blog Much Loved Books

I have already read Cheryl's book Hunted, so when she contacted me about reviewing her new book, Parallel Visions, I jumped at the chance.  Not only did the synopsis sound interesting, but being an asthmatic myself, I was also curious to read about how an attack brought on visions.
As soon as I began reading I was hooked, watching Kate struggle through asthma attacks and having unwanted visions from them was truly interesting, and each vision gives her a glimpse into things that would happen, but struggling to breathe as well as trying to figure out what the visions mean is not easy, and each time she figured it out I cheered for her.  For me Kate was easy to relate to.  While she suffers worse than what I ever have, I could relate to some of her problems, not participating much in sport is one that I can attest to, however mine was more a blessing in disguise as sport isn't really my thing.  I did feel sorry for her being the 'sick girl' and missing out on a lot of school doesn't make high school life any easier than what it is.

Gil was a surprise that I didn't expect, but soon liked him for how he treats Kate and is there for her, wanting to help even if it's a life or death situation.  I admire him for this friendship he offers Kate, and while there is a hiccup over something Kate chooses to do, he doesn't hold a grudge.
Kate is a strong protagonist, while forcing her asthma attacks puts her life in danger, she continues to do so to ensure that her family and friends are safe, and while part of me thinks this is stupid to do so, to put her own life at risk for others, I do admire her strength and courage to do this, with no thoughts for herself.

Parallel Visions was a quick read that took about an hour to finish, but had me gripped from the moment I began reading, right up to the last page, with some nail biting moments about whether Kate or another would survive.  It's the first instalment in what I hope to be a great series, and I can't wait to see what is next.

Throughout Parallel Visions, Kate practises origami in order to relax herself, and there were a couple of links at the back of the page to two things she makes.  I have tried a few origami things already so I can't wait to give these two a try.