A review by thepetitepunk
The Ghosts We Keep by Mason Deaver


Thank you Hear Our Voices Book Tours and Scholastic Inc. for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

4/5 stars

After their older brother Ethan is killed by a reckless driver, Liam is left alone, confused, and angry. Without any closure or people who truly understand their pain, Liam must now navigate the world on his own as he deals with his insensitive friends and grieving parents. But when Ethan's friend Marcus comes into the picture, Liam starts to feel a bit less lonely in this big, big world.

This book stems from one of my favorite subgenres of literature, which is why I'm assuming this book won't be for everyone. The Ghosts We Keep is solely a character-based story, with almost no plot. Now, if you like character development, this isn't a bad thing at all. Deaver excels at delving into all the deep, dark corners of emotion in the most quiet, genuine way. Liam's grieving process is achingly messy and vulnerable, and although their actions and words may always be kind or justifiable, it gives the audience a better glimpse into the inner turmoil Liam is facing. I especially loved the portrayal of feeling lost and lonely. This is a book for those who have felt--or do feel--broken-hearted and powerless. It is for those who know what it's like to feel like they have no control over the world around them.

The relationships in this book were also fascinating. Deaver's portrayal of how circumstance can bring unlikely forces together is a complex yet reassuring layer. Each character felt whole and complicated, without taking too much of a deep-dive into their identities (regarding sexuality, gender, relationships, etc.), as that ended up not being a very important part to these rather temporary figures in Liam's life, who seem to be more sources of comfort and understanding rather than actual friends.

Overall, I would highly recommend The Ghosts We Keep to anyone who likes character-driven books that are on the quieter side. It's a short read--I finished it in one sitting--but it will leave you feeling heavy for days. Just be mindful of the trigger warnings!

TWs: death of a sibling, suicidal thoughts, self harm, panic attacks