A review by kaylielongley
The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life by Twyla Tharp


Disguised as a self-help manual, this thick yet surprisingly shallow book reads more like a memoir. Author Tharp's talents reside in a diverse understanding and appreciation for the arts, in particular dance, but not in nonfiction. While there are activities on how to build better creative habits, they are sprinkled throughout the book and largely anecdotal. In fact, her life story and unnecessary definitions consume most of the pages. The first half is more fresh, on rituals and beginning steps. However, I'm still gifting two stars for her theme on leveraging tools, like support groups, habit formation, and private practice, for creative growth. Habit formation is critical to production, and to her credit, Tharp has certainly produced, resulting in the choreography of over 100 dances across many stages. Quite simply, her ideas aren't for everyone.