A review by ccgwalt
Footsteps in the Dark by Meg Perry, Z.A. Maxfield, C.S. Poe, L.B. Gregg, Nicole Kimberling, S.C. Wynne, Dal Maclean, Josh Lanyon


4.5 B+ Overall

I enjoyed this anthology immensely. I was only disappointed that we were told in the prologue several stories were the start of a new series, but in reality only one novella (Twelve Seconds) has a followup.
The novellas are narrated by either Joel Leslie or Kale Williams, and all the narrations are excellent. I definitely recommend this on audio! Almost 29 hours of enjoyable mm suspense.

1- Entree to Murder by Nicole Kimberling is sort of a cozy mystery. I wish it were a series because I'd enjoy reading more. Narration by Kale Williams. B

2-Twelve Seconds by Meg Perry involves a murder investigation during a failed rocket launch. I enjoyed the investigation and the relationship. Narrated by Joel Leslie. B

3-Reality Bites by SC Wynne, narrated by Kale Williams. Good characters, interesting mystery. B

4-SKIPPED: Blind's Man Bluff by LB Gregg. I can't speak to the quality, only that after listening a little while I realized it wasn't my thing. I thought the characters were early 20's from their actions, but they were 30.

5-A Country for Old Men by Dal Maclean, expertly narrated by Joel Leslie (there was a fair amount of Gaelic). This was beautifully written even if the pacing was a little slow, or perhaps languid is a better term. I loved the emotional story and the second chance romance. One of my favorites! A-

6-Pepper the Crime Lab by Z.A. Maxfield, narrated by Joel Leslie. This was a fun mystery and would make a nice cosy-esque series. B+

7-Lights, Camera, Murder by C.S. Poe, narrated by Kale Williams. One of my favorites of the anthology,this has a great mystery and a sweet romance. I wish this was a series, too. A-

8-Stranger in the House by Josh Lanyon, narrated by Joel Leslie. While the mystery wasn't quite as complex as some of the others, the resolution caught me by surprise and I enjoyed it. I liked the main characters. Nice story made better by Joel's narration. B