A review by torimcangel
Let Me Fly by A.C. Pontone


I went into this book with zero expectations. I read the excerpt and was aware of the genre along with a tentative concept of the plot.

The gist of my reading experience:

-The beginning was interesting, felt high stakes

-I craved a key at the beginning to breakdown what the various types of beings/creatures there are in this story. This no longer bothered me by a quarter of the way through.

-Some grammatical errors, my perception of character incongruent presentation, and word choice took me out of the story—especially during the first half of the book.

-By chapter 19, I was well and truly intrigued.

-Yes, I agree with others who have said that our first MC (Belle) is not particularly likable. At times I was softening toward her and I appreciated that some of her lines toward the later half of the book felt more authentic and even provided me with some humor.

-Hello smut. I’m generally not one who intentionally seeks out smut or runs from spiciness either. I was not displeased with the intimate scenes in this book, just surprised at times. My big critique here along with other moments in the book not necessarily relating to smut—was just pacing. The paving at times felt off, especially when put in partnership with other information the reader is presented with (thoughts/emotions of characters prior to imitating any intimacy or other behaviors).

- There were a few moments interspersed in the book during which I would have liked more description of what was occurring, especially during transitions in character movement or location changes. (Specific example—vague description for spoiler free: Edward transported from his car to gripping the arm of our MC).

-I enjoy the multiple POV’s! I also loved that by the end the supporting characters felt more individual with their unique voices and histories. Initially they sort of all were jumbled together in my reader brain (prior to each having their POV chapter).

-Intrigued by the way the polyamorous relationship is set up. Definitely not hating it.

-Wishing there weren’t certain word choices such as “little girl” when posed between potential lovers. Personally it gives me the creeps.

-Really interested in learning more about the powers in this world and happy that we were delving more into that by the end. Felt like we barely scratched the surface with the story progression around this piece and our MC’s overall growth.

-I had a hard time feeling confident I would want to continue reading during the initial chapters of this book. By the end, I was disappointed it was over and was ready to charge ahead. I do intend to read the next book.

I received a free copy of this book, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.