A review by rushubaby25
UnWholly by Neal Shusterman


I usually don't think sequels are better than the original novels, so it takes me a while to get in the mode of reading any book two. Unwholly is definitely an exception. The book delves deeper into the dangerous and deceptive world of parts trading. Shusterman does an immense job of including advertisements and newspaper articles of organ trading.

The story follows the same teens as they continue their mission against unwinding and organ donating/stealing. Scientists have created a composite human being from hundreds of unwinds. This creature-human is raised to be the face of the new world; people who see him and those who have heard of his existence, are angry and disgruntled with the system. What kind of world believes in taking from one, to give to another? The question of who has the right, is constantly considered as teens are kidnapped for organs, parents are continuing to sell their disobedient children for unwinding, and brainwashing is still occurring for those tithes who are supposed to be sacrificing themselves.

The only positive glimmer of hope in this dysfunctional society is the people who fight against the machine. Antiestablishmentarianism is the name of the game. Groups are popping up all around the country: there are those who wish to save the tithes, and those who keep teenagers safe. The future is only as bright, as the people who continue to fight against the policies and procedures, of a world incapable of being safe.