A review by darkandsteamylit
Diamond City by Francesca Flores


“Do you know the secret to survival?”

This book was a roller coaster of a ride. It was action packed from the prologue to the end. The world building is rich and vibrant. I felt like I was there on there in the city streets with the characters and I love that in world building. When an author can build a world that the reader feel apart of is always so amazing to me.

Our MC Aina is an orphaned assassin known as a Blade, trained for a young age after her parents are murdered in front of her. She lived on the streets of the Stacks for a few years before a stranger approached her in a bar, saved her from a bombing in the bar, and offering her a job and a home. The only stipulation she can not fail.

Kohl the Blood King of Diamond City, the man that saved Aina from the stacks. Their relationship is absolutely twisted. Aina does everything to gain Kohl’s approval and hopes that maybe one day he will see her as an equal and something more.

Teo, Aina’s best friend and only person she trusts is a lone assassin. He takes jobs to help take care of his sick mother after his father was killed. And he might be in love with Aina. Aina is blinded but her obsession with Kohl and she doesn’t want to lose Teo’s friendship to even consider him in that way. When Kohl gives Aina her biggest job yet she enlists the help of Teo with promises of a huge payout. Aina’s newest hit is none other than the Kouta Hirai. One of the City’s wealthiest men.

When the job goes horribly wrong and Kouta escapes, Aina is left moneyless, homeless, and with a price on her head. Kohl tossed her out and took her only protection away. Now the city and her rivals are out for blood. Aina makes her way back to the scene of the crime to finish the job only to find out that Kouta is gone and only his younger brother is left. Ryuu offers her triple to help him find his brother and to uncover why someone wanted his brother dead.

In a city full of diamonds, blood, giant spiders, and assassins what could go wrong?

This story was a page turner. I kept wanting to know what was going to happen. I wasn’t sure how I felt about the story for the first 100 pages. I kept wanting to see what was going to happen, but I wasn’t in love with it. I couldn’t explain it. As the story progressed I got more invested and found I really enjoyed it.

The down fall for me was the repetitiveness if somethings. An example is how many times Aina’s parents being murder is mentioned and her fear of guns because of it. I literally lost count of how many times this is repeated and it was driving me crazy. Like okay I get they were murder and that’s where a lot of her fears and need to live comes from. I don’t need to read it on every page. This was the main repetition, but there was a few more and that’s the main reason I didn’t give it more stars.

The things I really liked were the world building, the relationships between the characters, and Kohl (yes I love a good villain), and I really liked the fact that their were hints of different possible love interests but nothing’s come of any of them which I think will add to the story in the next book. Which could build on the story and evolve the characters.

“What’s one thing an assassin always makes sure to have?”
“A backup.”