A review by gmrickel
Fastest Woman on Earth: The story of Tatyana McFadden by Francesca Cavallo


I didn't like the art, but I'm glad to know about this athlete. There are plenty of POC of Russia but everyone is drawn as white. There are SO few children's book with disabled characters/about/by people with disabilities. Tatyana was adopted, and based on one of the pages in the book has at least met her birth mom. As a birth parent that warms my heart. I've been listening to more adoptees about their adoption-related trauma lately, and I do have questions about the ethics of adoption, but that is a complicated topic that I'm setting aside right now for this review. For librarians highlighting this book, please DO NOT fall into the abelist trap that is inspiration porn. Yes, Tatyana is an amazing athlete, and yes she is disabled, but she is not MORE impressive because of her disability.