A review by kdf_333
Cleon Moon by Lindsay Buroker


another terrific series by [a:Lindsay Buroker|4512224|Lindsay Buroker|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1292869920p2/4512224.jpg]!
this one will rank as number 2 in my love of her series and characters.
buy the books! read the books! love the books!

the main characters, Alisa and Leonidas, remind me sooooooooooooo very much of Armanthe and Sicarious from [b:The Emperor's Edge Collection|17515786|The Emperor's Edge Collection (The Emperor's Edge, #1-3)|Lindsay Buroker|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1362426476s/17515786.jpg|24425824]

first the women
both women's name start with an A (wish they didn't. since they are so similar, it's a lil confusing.)
both women are tall and can fight and are the leaders of their ragtag bunch
both are witty but Alisa is funnier. she has made me LOL so very many times (and i am on book 6)
both women are attracted to men who are lethal killing machines and none of the crew or eveyday folks they meet gets why that is
both wore uniforms- Alisa- military, Armanthe - local law enforcement
both come up with crazy schemes to get out of hairy situations or to fulfill their missions
both prefer not to kill on their missions or in self defense but will do so when necessary
both have staff that they are paying with hopes & dreams and sometimes money.

the men are similar as well
both are extraordinary and not like normal men
both have lethal fighting and killing skills that the average man cannot defend against
both don't express feelings very well
both are hated and feared by the majority of the population because of what they did by order of their king/emperor
both have looks that make them stand out in a crowd
both are very smart as well in other areas not just fighting, combat, killing, and war strategy.
both soften up and trade barbs with the women and come to care about them
both have this honorable streak to do whatever is necessary to help their kingdom, empire and the young boy emperor/king
both train the rest of the team

similarities in the plots
both have a government that is in turmoil and restarting
both have magicians/psychics with powers like telepathy and telekinesis, that are feared/hated by the mundane folks (she calls them mundanes in both worlds. also it a lil confusing at times)
both keep getting into trouble with all members of the various factions fighting for control of the government even though they don't mean to
both have a team of folks with various skillz that are need for their adventures
both have folks on their team wanted by gang/mafia
both have folks on their team that can cook really well
both have folks wanted by local governments
both never really get a rest from the fighting, scheming, or running away from folks trying to kill them
both make jokes even when they are in the midst of battle
both have favor with the enemy and are let go when they should be arrested or captured or killed
both are VERY lucky and escape many times by the skin of their teeth thanks to some other event that happens at the same time
both have a young heir to the throne
both remind me very much of some of my favorite tv shows which just so happen to be someof lindsay's favorite tv shows like macgyver, stargate sg-1, a-team, BSG, star trek NG, star wars, Firefly (esp firefly cuz space and old ship and rebels and war and snotty doctor and well like so much) etc.
both convinced me to buy more books.

i mean, i didn't even use my gift card to buy the anthologies ([b:Beyond the Stars: New Worlds, New Suns: A Space Opera Anthology|34894013|Beyond the Stars New Worlds, New Suns A Space Opera Anthology|Lindsay Buroker|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1492910036s/34894013.jpg|55932776] and[b:You Are Here - Tales of Cartographic Wonders|32871303|You Are Here - Tales of Cartographic Wonders|N.E. White|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1478272381s/32871303.jpg|53479231]) with short stories related to this series or the trilogy that continues this series with the kids as the MC's ([b:The Rogue Prince|34605782|The Rogue Prince (Sky Full of Stars, #1)|Lindsay Buroker|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1489637387s/34605782.jpg|55754299],[b:Angle of Truth|34873334|Angle of Truth (Sky Full of Stars, #2)|Lindsay Buroker|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1492457041s/34873334.jpg|56123158],[b:Stolen Legacy|35180125|Stolen Legacy (Sky Full of Stars, #3)|Lindsay Buroker|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1495333859s/35180125.jpg|56516398])!!!!

this series also reminds me of the chains of honor series in that both have some things that are in the plot that make me roll my eyes. either a character's inner monologue is way too immature and doesn't match up with how they have acted previously. or characters do something stupid when they have been brilliant in the rest of the story. or they don't fully utilize their lethal men and magician/psychic which would help them avoid major trouble. but like with chains of honor the rest of the story and characters are enjoyable enough to over look these things and continue on reading. cuz they are FUN!

buy the books! read the books! love the books!