A review by ameserole
The Neighbor's Secret by L. Alison Heller


There's just something about mystery thrillers when it's a rainy workday. Time ends up flying by and before I know it, the book and my workday are basically over. Well, the book is for now. Unfortunately, I'm still working.

I would also like to point out that I was pretty excited to jump into The Neighbor's Secret after receiving it in my BOTM box. Especially when we get vandalism, threats, and a good book club. The overall mystery definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. Mostly because we have way too many people to be suspicious over. Or maybe that's just me being myself and overly suspicious?

The one thing that killed me deep down inside was how slow things were moving. I honestly caught myself a handful of times just not even paying attention to what was really going on because mentally it didn't feel like it was important. Or that anything was really happening either. So, it definitely slowed down the book for me because I would have to back to see what if I ended up missing anything.

Eventually things started to pick up and that was probably when we were getting close to the actual murder. Definitely didn't see it coming until the big reveal which made the book a bit better in my eyes. Maybe if I was paying more attention in the beginning the clues would have made it obvious. Yet, I didn't so here I am being pleasantly surprised.

In the end, I think I might need a tiny break from mystery thrillers. I've just read way too many within a week and need to dive into something different.