A review by briarfairchild
The Dead Shall be Raised & Murder of a Quack by George Bellairs


I'd have enjoyed these a lot more if it hadn't been for Bellairs' bizarre and tedious attitude towards women. He seems to feel that there is a very narrow definition of what makes a Good Woman, and the vast majority of his women characters do not fit it. Although, equally bizarrely, a woman who thinks it's ok to beat her maid across the face with a stick actually does fit it. I don't think he has the best judgement on this subject!

Plotwise these stories are fairly enjoyable though the conclusions are pretty obvious, even to me, who is hopeless at whodunnits. To be honest, though, I didn't care enough about any of the characters to really be bothered by who did it at all. All in all, these stories are fine but I shan't bother with any more of this author's works.