A review by pandaorb
Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson


Rhythm of War is an interesting departure from previous installments of the Stormlight Archives. Whereas in earlier books we witness many of the characters coming together across various parts of Roshar to achieve common goals, Rhythm of War is much more like three separate bottle episodes in which our heroes are forced to face their inner struggles while overcoming the challenges presented to them.
The small group on the battle lines focuses directly on how to best bring about an end to the war. The group in Urithuru, where a bulk of the plot plays out, mostly operates in isolation while overcoming their personal demons. And finally, the group in Shadesmar strives to overcome the past and build a new future.
Overall the story isn't what I was expecting, and although it followed the typical Sanderson template for storytelling I was still delighted by the character building, the extensive lore of the Cosmere, and the unfolding of the plot. Given all the doors that were opened in this book, I'm very excited to see what comes next!