A review by laurenafflerback
The Night in Question by Liz Lawson, Kathleen Glasgow


The girls are back again- and this time, they are solving two crimes that are years apart!
Liz Lawson and Kathleen Glasgow did it again!
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!
⚠️Warning: May contain spoilers ahead!⚠️
Alice Ogilvie and Iris Adams are back!
They’re still reeling from the loss of Brooke Donovan and all the craziness of solving that murder, as well as The Thing attacking Iris and her mother… But they are getting through it all- together.
This time they are attending the Sadie’s Hawkins dance at the Levy Castle in Castle Cove, CA. There is so much going on but the “big drama” occurs when Helen Park and Rebecca Kennedy have a screaming match in the middle of everyone.. Because they wore the same dress.
Alice is psyched to be in the castle where the late Mona Moody, famed movie star who mysteriously fell in the 1940s, and finds her way through a hidden staircase and ends up in a closet full of luxurious gowns..
Iris is still processing the incident with The Thing and also figure out why she is getting those butterflies when her friend, Spike, is around. But is also conflicted by feelings she has for someone else, Cole. Iris and Cole escape to an old tree house on the castle property.
Until- Helen is found (by Alice) standing over Rebecca, holding a bloody letter opener… Rebecca is unconscious and bleeding out.
Alice and Iris- along with the Zoners- investigate what could have happened and why someone would want to hurt Brooke.. While doing so- they also begin to dig deeper into the death of Mona Moody, family secrets in Castle Cove and how one class assignment may have set everything into motion.
What would Agatha Christie do?
I was so excited when I got the email saying I was approved for this ARC because I absolutely DEVOURED The Agatha’s when it was released.
Liz and Kathleen work so well together in co-writing this series and I love their friendship and little quips on social media and the acknowledgments in the end of the book.
Iris and Alice are two people that no one would expect to be friends because of their differences in upbringings and “popularity” but they are the perfect friends.
The Night in Question kept me guessing and even when I thought I knew- I didn’t. It all clicked at the end and it blew my mind. I am hoping and praying and crossing my fingers for more because I *need* it.
The Night in Question releases May 30th, 2023- preorder it now!