A review by par52
Broken Skies by Theresa Kay


Okay so I've had time to think about this one.

3 cause I'm feeling generous I guess.

I have a lot of conflicting feeling about this book. Half of the things were good and half were just so bad.

Let's start with the good!

First the plot and concept of this book:
The book is about this girl named Jax that request the help of an alien named Lir when his brother is taken to the alien city that is currently on earth.
It's a post-apocalyptic enviorement which if done well I very much like. Hereit is done very good! The eviorement, setting, society, alien powers, etc are very much believable and very well developed.

Characters (some of them anyways)
The characters that felt real in this book were so very few. Lir was one of them. Actually all of the aliens seem very much like actual people. I did believe their motives and actions.
Some of the humans like Flint(friend of the main character) and Jace (main character's brother) felt like actual people in this very unfortunate situation. I believed their worries and sometimes tantrums.

Now were I do think this book fails is in the aspect of a credible story by a credible and real main character.
And while i do love my main charaters flawed this just felt overly dramatic and unnecessary.

Jax our main character has some sort ofanxiety disorder, when she has phisycal contact with people she tend to get anxious and sometimes has panic attacks. At the start of the book this intriguied me because I've never encounter a main character with this mental illness. And her panic attacks and anxiety at the start of the book seemed reasonable and truly sad but as the book went on the "panic attacks" if you can classify them as such were just predictableand downright laughable. That sounds cruel but as someone that has suffred from anxiety in the past this is kind of insulting. Her freak outs were too many too soon.
Her character just became the person who gets hurt and scared every 20 pages or so.
She wasn't a strong female lead.

Other characters like Lir's parents felt fabricated and added to the story for I don't even know what reason to be honest. It was necesarry to meet Lir's parents but damn! The mom was SUCH A FLAT CHARACTER. Anything that she said was said by mom's in every single book in YA fiction. The dad was there to just idk forcibly cause angst between Lir and Jax I guess? idek

The bad guy was the typical bad guy. No reason behind his bad guy actions. I mean you kind of know why they want Jax but why does the main guy want to use her? What is your reason alien ? What? Why?

Also the dialogue. While I know that cheesy dialogue from time to time is necesarry here it didn't work. Conversations felt force. Primarily between Lir and Jax.
Some lines were out right laughable and stupid. I read some to my sister and she asked if I was reading bad fanfiction.

Oh well

I will stop with the rant.

I will give it 3 stars cause I laughed so much at the bad parts that it made it less painful to get through.
Maybe if the second book gets good review I'll give it a shot to see if there is any improvement but rn I don't plan to continue with this series.

THank you to Netgalley for the Free Digital Copy!