A review by kathydavie
Paths Not Taken by Simon R. Green


Fifth in the Nightside dark urban fantasy series for young adults set in an alternate London.

My Take
Green grabs you and you had better hang on for a wild ride into his imagination. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll be on the edge of your seat. Green always leaves me panting for more….a girl's just gotta know!

He does have an interesting perspective on the origin of all the evil creatures that haunt our paranormal world and certainly an interesting message to always present a confident façade.

The Story
Paths Not Taken intros with the case of the innocuous, average man being pursued by his alternates from the past and the future and Count Video discovers the unexpectedness of change magic. The main event is when John Taylor, Suzie Shooter, and Tommy Oblivion head back to the origin of the Nightside. A trip that has several eventful side trips in which we learn the truth of Lamentation's origin, what happened to Merlin's heart, and finally end up where Mommie Dearest started.

The Characters
John Taylor is our hero…or is he an anti-hero?? Feared by the Nightside for being the son of his mother, John plays a good bluff.

Suzie Shooter, a.k.a., Shotgun Suzie, a.k.a., Oh Christ, it's her, run!, is one of the assassins of the Nightside; sometimes John's friend, sometimes shooting him in the back. Her brother's multiple rapes have traumatized Suzie into a lonely, untouchable woman who prefers her shotguns to others. Tommy Oblivion is an existentialist detective…it's a very cool and useful skillset! Old Father Time controls everyone's access to the past/future although he just commutes into the Nightside. Count Video sees all the possible paths of the future.

Mommie Dearest, a.k.a., Lilith, was Adam's first wife and John's mother but got tossed from Eden for wanting to do everything her own way. At which point, she slid down to Hell and played merry hell with everyone.

The Title
The title is perfect — just ask Tommy Oblivion and Old Father Time!