A review by seanius
The Haunted Boy by Carson McCullers


Themes of domestic sufferings, the gothic in small scale and in the modern tint of the nuclear family. There is suffering, in particular women suffering with mental health issues, if from the son’s or partner's perspective. The author has a light touch and treats his characters with compassion. There seems to be a theme of boys and men neglected emotionally by the women in their lives - a theme not ever popular, especially today, yet in a sense elevating the value of woman if only in the eyes of a son or a husband.

Also there is a theme of a father’s healthy love for his children - a welcome positive image of the masculine father figure, if set in an old fashioned, only father provides, environment.

Whatever one’s take on all that, in parts the prose is simply beautiful - like autumn sunset on old familiar walls. Bourgeois horror is overcome with a patient kind of love.