A review by sunnys_shelf
The Spires by Kate Moretti


Stars: 3.5

Here's what worked for me: I really enjoyed the present-day storyline. I thought Penelope's character was really interesting and well written. I could sympathize with a mother spreading herself really thin and feeling like she can't keep up with all of the moving pieces in her life. I also liked the psychological aspect--Is Willa up to something, or is Penelope overreacting? Once I hit about the halfway point of the book, the story really picked up for me, and I couldn't wait to see how everything would unfold.

Here's what didn't work for me: Although I typically really enjoy stories that take place in two different timelines, I wasn't very invested in the past timeline in this book. I felt like Moretti tried to give the reader enough background story on the five Spires, but I didn't feel like I got to the point where I cared about any of them. The book also started out pretty slow for me, and I found myself wondering if/when the story would pick up and get more exciting.

Overall, I did enjoy the book. Although the twists weren't super surprising to me, that wasn't a deal breaker, and I still found myself wanting to finish the book to find out what happens. This is my first Moretti book, and I'd be interested in reading some others to see how this compares.