A review by bharmonyauthor
Sparrow by Kelly Fox


One thing I love about Kelly Fox's writing is the way she handles sensitive topics with care, and Sparrow was no exception. The abuse was carried throughout the story, and the perception of the survivor (not the victim) was eloquently written and really pulls the reader into understanding a different perspective.

Coming into this one, I was ready for an enemies-to-lovers trope, because it is MY JAM. I did not expect my heart to be put through the wringer, to laugh so loud I woke up my family in the middle of the night, and to fall in love with two men who absolutely need each other.

Sparrow brought stability, protection, and care for McCall. McCall gave Sparrow an opportunity to let go of his rigid nature and feel. Their story was beautiful and emotional in all the best ways. I really love how Sparrow and McCall challenge each other in ways that enforce character growth on both sides.

Plus, we cannot skip past Sparrow's ongoing torture from his friends, his dad, and his new lover. Is nothing sacred between these men? LOL. Definitely a spoiler in there somewhere, but worth reading about.

Just like all of Kelly Fox's other books, Sparrow plants plenty of lead-in for the rest of the series, much-appreciated cameos from previous characters, and has us salivating for the next book.