A review by mamabookwyrm
Tell Me a Lie: Episode #3 by Tamara Lush


I’ve been following the Tell Me a Story series from the beginning and I was nervous about reading Tell Me a Lie. The blurb sounded ominous. I enjoyed the book; it really had some amazing suspense. The emotions within it were gripping. You could definitely feel what the characters were feeling. I liked that we got to see more of the secondary characters in this episode. I was definitely able to connect more with Emma in this one, maybe it’s because she’s pregnant and I’m a mother, I’m not sure. I just know the connection was there.

The only thing I really don’t like is that it’s a serial. I struggle with this format of books because I don’t feel they really have a beginning or an end, they just feel like a full book chopped into pieces. But that’s personal preference. I still plan on following the story to the end though, I want to see if Caleb and Emma get their happily ever after.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
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