A review by kirstenmeek
Visitors by Orson Scott Card


Meh. I finished this book because I felt like I had to finish up the series.

My conclusion after reading this and several other of Card's recent books is that he is wonderful at inventing compelling worlds, but terrible at finishing stories. All of the series of his I've read (Alvin Maker, Ender's Game/shadow, pathfinder, gatekeeper) have started out really well, but at some point in each of these, I have found myself really disappointed. I think he maybe just needs to learn when to leave something alone.

This book started out pretty poorly, kind of tried to pick up here and there, but overall was a disappointment. He continued to do what he did in the previous book (ruins, I think?) where he got too excited about pontificating on the physics and theory of time travel. You can definitely tell that he lost his way writing this. I was not only unimpressed by the writing, the story also left me wanting. I have heard that he sort of got stuck with how to end this book, and it definitely shows.

I think I've finally learned my lesson and will give Mr. Card a break for a while. I guess I'll Always have Ender's Game.