A review by courtacademia
The Lost Vintage by Ann Mah


I felt immediately transported to the lush French countryside and indulged in the wonderful atmosphere this novel created! It was a lovely bookish vacation that I needed very much. I consider myself fairly novice when it comes to the knowledge of wine, but I learned quite a bit in this story! There was also fair amount of French and while I didn’t know exactly what they were saying, I was able to easily understand the point of the conversations. This book is perfect for those evenings that you just need to getaway while you sip on a scrumptious glass of wine! I enjoyed following Kate in her endeavor to study for the very difficult Master of Wine Examination and uncover deep dark family secrets! Set mostly in Burgundy, France, Kate visits family to expand her already vast knowledge on the vintage wines and assist in clearing out an old cellar where they stumble upon a hidden compartment containing an enormous cache of wine, Resistance documents, and many discarded personal items of great interest! The story oscillates between Kate and a family member’s diary memoirs that chronicled living at the vineyard during WWII. There are many questions that arise as Kate and her cousins dig deeper into the cellar and their secret family history!