A review by wemedgeway
Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer


Probably just 3.5 STARS, but I'll round up because it's well written.

I just finished this book, and I thought I had 60 pages to go... there's a lot of notes, an index, and a chunk of one of the author's other books at the end.

That aside, this was pretty interesting. Most of it seems pretty intuitive, but it's good it can be proven I guess.

So... larger populations help. Diversity within the population is also a plus. Interaction and idea-sharing is key. It helps to collaborate with people you are comfortable with, but outsiders bring a new perspective and keep things fresh. People in unrelated fields can help solve each other's problems. Society needs to encourage academic achievements like they do sporting ones, etc.

The last part is the hardest. That requires long term thinking, and most folks just aren't very good at that.

All that said, I would love to see managers (all the way up the chain) at my old job read and heed. Diversity was a buzz word there, but they were more worried about being PC than actually trying to appreciate the differences in their employees.