A review by taylormadespines
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Love Dares You by Rebekah Isaacs, Christos Gage, Nicholas Brendon, Joss Whedon, Megan Levens


4.5/5 I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP!! SPUFFY IS BACK! If you can't tell, I'm fucking psyched that my blonde, superhero, soul-having couple is finally together and in a healthy way. I'm really happy that Gage hammers in the point that Spike before his soul cannot be held accountable for his actions. This seems to be a huge issue in the fandom with huge Bangel fans--they're willing to defend Angel because he is not Angelus but refuse to grant Spike the same kindness. Although I really want more sexy times between these two because let's admit it, they've got the best chemistry around, I am beyond happy to see their genuine love for one another. Also, Spike with kittens!

Beyond my Spuffy love, this volume is slowly gearing up for the final fight HOWEVER I'm still not sure who the gang will be battling. Were all the other demons before Archaeus just red herrings? Will they somehow become relevant or a part of his "family"? This is one issue I find with the Buffy comics though, we don't have enough insight to the Big Bads. I want to know more about their plan and who they actually are. Buffy Big Bads always have an agenda and this season I'm just not sure who our BB is and what they want.

I'm also not very impressed or into Levens artwork. It makes Buffy seem somehow too cartoonish or Disneyfied. Buffy is for sure more light-hearted than Angel & Faith, but that doesn't mean I should expect woodland creatures to start singing and cleaning up the remains of the battles.

I still want more from this Buffy and I'm hoping I'll find it in the next two volumes.