A review by lenalopslolipops_
Moon Crossed by Emerson Knight, McKenzie Hunter


The book was okay but most of the characters were unpredictable and their actions didn't always make sense because of who they were. You also don't really get to KNOW the characters. The only things I got from the characters were the following:

ETHAN- Typical violent and (DUH) good looking guy with some major anger issues. Ok, he's a werewolf, they're predators, it's in their natures blah blah blah, but still. I also didn't understand how he was Beta. Ok, sure, he's strong, but aren't all the were- animals in some way? What makes him different from the rest? Nothing. I found him quite boring and was sick of the whole 'The Pack comes first' thing. I get that Skylar's dangerous, but it isn't fair to kill someone just because they're different! And shouldn't Ethan relate because of his magical abilities? His whole character just didn't make sense.

SKYLAR- She was SUCH a disappointment. She was a damsel in distress type character, and was even more boring than Ethan. Ok, the whole half vampire or whatever she was thing was pretty cool and so was the magic thing, but apart from that, well, she was just WEAK. She barely did anything in the book, despite being one of the main characters. Also, everyone was always making plans on what to do with her, as if she was an object or something, and not a person. They had to 'make a choice' on whether or not they should kill her. That shouldn't be up to them! This is her LIFE they're talking about! Skylar doesn't even really do anything about it. She just lets them walk all over her and control her. Ok, she does run away (twice) but ends up still in their control so it was pointless and afterwards she didn't fight them at all. And at the end, she THANKED them for protecting her! Seriously!? They only did it because they didn't want Demetrius to have her, and ok, they LET her live, but they did think about killing her and at the end Ethan sorta did. Fine, she came back to life, but there was a chance she wouldn't!

WINTER- Weirdly, I sort of liked this ruthless and cold hearted killer. I know, weird. Even though she was kinda evil, she was WAY more interesting than Skylar. I liked that she was one of the most powerful people in the pack and that she was a woman, but what I noticed was that her fighting was always described as 'elegant' while all the males were rougher. There's nothing wrong with this exactly, but it was sorta annoying. It's like the author (s) were making it seem like girls can't fight rough. I mean, what's up with that?

JOSH- Sometimes-nice-sometimes-not and slightly power hungry younger brother. I didn't GET him.
One second he's being really nice to Skylar and flirting with her, and the next he's pressuring her into doing magic. Honestly, author (s), make your mind (s) up! Is Josh good or bad? He can't be both!

SEBASTIAN- YAWN. That's all I have to say.

STEVEN- Nice, but also boring.

There were some things I liked about the book, like.....um......ok, I can't think of something right now but trust me, there was something, or I wouldn't have bothered finishing the book and rating it 3 stars.

Honestly, I don't care if you read the book or not. I don't even know why I bothered writing a review, but you know people, sometimes you do unexpected things. Like wasting 20 minutes writing a review for a book you didn't even really enjoy. What can I say, I'm weird.

Ok, guys, PEACE OUT!

PS My language was so weird in this. I'm British! I'm reading too many American books.... (No offense America)