A review by freshetables
Sourcery by Terry Pratchett


3.87/5 - [Solid]

My second book in the Discworld series, it was probably a mistake to read Sorcery before the other books in Rincewind's story but it was a good read all the same. The new characters were not as strong in my opinion as in Equal Rites and the middle bit is a little meandering, but the ending made this book. Moments in Pratchett's work remind me of Bradbury with a sharp tinge of humor.

Standout moments:

1. Coin, as a young sorcerer led to power by a father trapped in the staff, and his eventually rejection of his father created the strongest new character in this story.

2. The last few sentences of this book create a cliffhanger that simulataneously feels intriguing and satisfying.