A review by tee_en
Duly Noted by H.M. Shander



So I jumped right into reading and really loved the descriptive writing. I felt like I was there going through every bit of angst and anxiety with Aurora. She is difficult, which I guess is to be expected from a 19 yr old suffering from PTSD. The plot did become predictable and you somehow knew that Aurora was going to get it together by the end.
Spoiler The Matthew James connection was TOO convenient for my liking. I know it's a small world and everything but his wife, who was cheating on him that he said he remained true to even after her death but still had sex with a drugged up 19yr old, was in the same accident that caused Aurora's PTSD. Not enough degrees of separation for me. If it would have stayed as an author wanting to bang his fan at a library, I would have been okay with that. Then the father with his date-rape drug... NOT COOL. I get it that it got her from point A to B but I guess I wanted that facet of the story flushed out a bit more. Just curiosity nagging me I guess.

Overall I really liked the story. It's written well and is a very showing story, not just one that info dumps on you. I like Nate's soft character to Aurora's feisty personality. You can see how well the two work together. Only issue with them is how fast he fell for her, only after a few conversations. A lovely love story, full of anxiety, heartache, and triumph that I wouldn't mind reading again.