A review by brendalovesbooks
Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton

Did not finish book.
After reading about 200 pages of this one, I gave up on it. Besides being incredibly slow moving, I felt like I was reading the same things over and over. It seemed like the author had a few ideas of what she wanted her characters to do, and then just rotated through them.

This is yet another book about a girl in high school who finds out she has some paranormal powers, and I bet you can guess how she finds out. Yup, a mysterious, incredibly good looking boy. So if you haven't had enough of those yet, pick this up! I'm not sure there was any point in this story where I actually cared about the characters or the plot, and although I've read many reviews where the readers thought the battle scenes were great, I thought they were repetitive and tedious. Maybe things got better, but after a couple hundred pages of not good, I wasn't taking any chances. Too many other books to read.