A review by onceupon_a_bookdream
The Maverick by Jennifer Millikin


[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

The Maverick
is the second stand alone in Jennifer Millikan's Hayden Family series. This one is about middle Hayden brother Warner and a holly wood actress named Tenley. The two have an instant connection. However, Warner is still feeling for his new reality as a divorced dad of two and Tenley is at the point in her life where she wants the wedding and kids. With two different plans for the future Tenley doesn't have much choice but to walk away before she hurts her heart any further.

"It’s official. Warner and I were lovers in a past life. There’s no other way to explain the raw attraction I feel. "

This was a rough one on the heart. You feel so bad for Warner. He's a great dad, a loyal husband and held out hope for reconciling with his wife/childhood sweetheart. When that hope is crushed he is kind of set a drift and has trouble coping with his strong feelings for Tenley. He is a gentle heart and even though he doesn't come right out and say he loves her you know it from his words and actions. Tenley was a fantastic character! She was fun, determined, caring, and confident. I loved how she didn't tip toe around her feelings concerning Warner, she is up front about them. She definitely took charge of their physical relationship but did it in a way that took Warner's situation into consideration. You could feel the love between them from the pages when they take the intimate step .

"No kiss has ever felt so good, so right, so earth shattering. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, I will never be the same after this."

Overall, The Maverick is another wonderful romance from author Jennifer Millikin, and I'm excited for the next brothers' story!