A review by edshara
The Kingdom by Amanda Stevens


For the second book in the series, this was just okay. I still found Amelia to be far too naive for her age and experiences. She was also too trusting of people, that did nothing to earn it.

I'm glad Amelia finally got some answers regarding her past, however, the facts were easy to figure out and it got frustrating waiting for Amelia to put all the pieces together. Also, I'm not 100% sure I buy the story of her birth, it seemed a little to simple for something that was so intense.

Even though their was a prequel tie-in, for now, I still think the prequel was unecessary. Even more so now because the summary given to include it in this book, basically summed the whole thing up.

For all my disappointment, I am still interested in continuing the series. I'm hoping that it will get better and I'll have some of the same excitement that I did the first time I read the first book in this series.