A review by lauraborkpower
Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris


The only reason this isn't a four-star book for me is that Sedaris includes pieces (the last half dozen or so) that are more "dramatic" in nature (he calls them as such because he intends [ironically or sincerely, I can't quite tell] for students participating in forensics to use these in competition). These satirical pieces, while funny, because Sedaris wrote them, aren't my favorite things to read. I much prefer the straight forward auto-biographical essays: his bread and butter.

But that only distracted from this collection a smidgen. There were at least a dozen times I laughed myself silly (while alone in the car) because of Sedaris's wonderful way with detail, nostalgic (though never sentimental) reflection, and self-deprecating wit.

If you caught him during his reading tour last fall, then you most likely heard a handful of these essays, but they're essays you won't mind listening to at least a few more times. And then, probably, even a few more.