A review by that1creativelady
Happily Ever After by Kelly Oram


Perfect book boyfriend...until the end. Ugh!
SpoilerWhy did he have to turn into such a horndog in the last few paragraphs? And in front of his mom too? I understand he was patiently waiting to deflower Ella, but geez! To just blurt out that he was going to have wild sex with a virgin then bail on a family gathering was ridiculous and out of character even for his selfish ass. He is typically considerate when it comes to Ella, but turned into a caveman as soon as he got the green light to pop her cherry. And she just found it all so amusing and cute. *gag*
Other than that, the identity reveal scene had me grinning ear to ear through the entire encounter. And, surprisingly, again when I read it in [b:Say Car For Me – Bonus Brian POV Scene|32707661|Say Car For Me – Bonus Brian POV Scene (Cinder & Ella, #1.5)|Kelly Oram|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1527503717l/32707661._SX50_.jpg|53285534], despite the fact that I already knew what was coming.