A review by thepiqht
Red Rising: Sons of Ares #1 by Rik Hoskin, Eli Powell, Pierce Brown


I received a digital copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

I'm a love reading comic books and I love reading Pierce Brown – so why am I only rating this 3 stars? First off, the art. It's not bad per se, but the sketchy style only works for some stories. Take [b:Wytches, Volume 1|25243735|Wytches, Volume 1|Scott Snyder|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1434963600s/25243735.jpg|44963177] for example. The out of the lines, half drawn style works because we're dealing with unknown monsters who do leap out of the lines of reality. It just doesn't work when you're trying to talk politics. Because that's what this is. It's a fantastical political revolution and you need to be able to get a sense of the people involved for it to have an impact.

Nonetheless, the story itself was rather good. It was interesting to discover the background of some of our favourite characters. I didn't feel as attached to the characters as I did in the prose, but it was a nice little prequel. If you're a fan of [a:Pierce Brown|6474348|Pierce Brown|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1417558860p2/6474348.jpg] and his Red Rising series, this is a brilliant addition to the world. If you're just dipping into his universe, I suggest starting with [b:Red Rising|27913065|Red Rising (Trilogie Red Rising #1)|Pierce Brown|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1457188883s/27913065.jpg|21580644] first.