A review by gadicohen93
Drown by Junot Díaz


Junot is a god. His words snap off the page. Like the description says, he's "unsentimental"--he doesn't have to find a larger meaning to all the stories and the moments, we do. Papi as a character is so intense and I had so much hatred directed toward him. He really fueled the book, I thought--was what messed up Yunior's life in a way.

In some ways, I remember being disappointed with Oscar Wao for the same reason I was disappointed with Drown--there was no actual meaning that I could pick up. As personal and close as I got to the narration, I still felt removed from the significance of the stories. The only place where I got some meaning, retrieved some emotional depth, was at the very very ending, the last two or three pages.

Amazing writing.