A review by indiekay
The Mysterious and Amazing Blue Billings by Lily Morton


This is my favourite Lily Morton book. I've been wanting to do a reread for ages and finally listened to the audiobook - it's just as good in audio as it is as an ebook.

While I really enjoy Lily Morton's contemporary romances, they do often end up feeling really repetitive to me. I don't really mind it, because they're comfortable and predictable and great to read if I'm looking for that specifically, but these horror romances that she's written are SO good and they really need more attention.

This is one of my favourites partially because I went on a ghost tour in York in 2018, and this book reminds me of that lovely holiday (I really hope one day I can go to York again, and take a photograph of this book while there), but also because this book has a great 50/50 on both having a fantastic romance and the ghost elements being so scary.