A review by piepieb
Fishbowl by Bradley Somer


Quirky and clever!

I first heard of this book at a local event, where [a:Sharon Draper|12527833|Sharon Draper|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] presented. A member of the audience asked her a question, something along the lines of what was the last book you read, and she told us about recently reading this book on her iPad on an airplane.

This book caught my interest; however, in the first few pages, I almost gave up. I could have done without all the science-y, "essence of life" bits. But then this book grabbed my attention! I blew through it in a couple of days, and probably could have read it all in one day. I wanted to know Garth's secret, I wanted Katie to know how big of a jerk Connor was, I wanted to know more about Herman, I wanted to know how on earth Ian the goldfish ended up plummeting toward the concrete ground. This is a weird book, but it is clever and it stands apart in how unique it is. This is the type of book where you wonder about the characters after you finish the last page and you wonder what life holds for them now. There are definitely graphic scenes, there is definitely sex, but it deserves to be read through to the end. You have to read this! Highly recommended!